PULPO Warehouse Management System Blog

10 Ways to Boost Warehouse Efficiency

Written by Thomas Kircheis | Aug 22, 2024 9:42:33 AM

Warehouse efficiency isn’t a nice to have in today’s business landscape, it’s a must have. Efficient warehouses mean accurate and on time order fulfillment which means happy customers and reduced operational costs. Whether you run a large operation or small business, implementing ways to increase how efficient your internal logistics is key to staying competitive.

Along with technology and automation, this article looks at 10 ways to boost warehouse efficiency. You can increase productivity, streamline your processes and build a more resilient and agile warehouse by using these methods.

What is Warehouse Efficiency

What is Warehouse Efficiency?

The ability to organize, store and distribute products in a way that maximizes output with minimal waste, time and cost is what is meant by warehouse efficiency. It encompasses all aspects of warehouse operations including technology, employee workflows, stock management and warehouse space distribution. Every square inch of space is utilized in a efficient warehouse and every task is done precisely and with maximum productivity in mind.

Why Improve Warehouse Efficiency?

To improve warehouse efficiency is key to a competitive supply chain. More sales and lower operational costs come from an efficient warehouse being able to do more in less time. Efficiency has a direct impact on customer satisfaction and ultimately the bottom line of businesses in industries like e-commerce where speed and accuracy is key. By focusing on efficiency businesses can meet and even exceed customer expectations which leads to repeat business and long term growth.

1. Implementing a Modern Warehouse Management System (WMS)

Low Hanging Fruit

Switching to a modern Warehouse Management System (WMS) is a quick and easy way to boost warehouse efficiency for businesses still using old systems or pen and paper. A WMS like PULPO WMS can transform your warehouse operations by replacing manual processes with a digital tool that’s easy to use and increases productivity.

By automating repetitive tasks, reducing errors and giving real time visibility into inventory levels a modern warehouse management system simplifies operations. No extensive training required a WMS makes it easier for warehouse staff to manage their tasks. So businesses can increase productivity without having to invest in big infrastructure or automation technology. Modern warehouse management software can be regarded as the low-hanging fruit to improve warehouse efficiency, they give noticeable results straight away with minimal disruption.

How WMS Works

A WMS automates processes like order picking, inventory tracking and shipping. A WMS helps warehouse and logistics managers make informed decisions that increase efficiency with features like real time data tracking, automated reordering and advanced analytics.

The system also allows for better warehousing space configurations so products are stored in the most accessible places and reduces time spent on picking and packing.

Businesses can also increase customer satisfaction, reduce stockouts and improve order accuracy by implementing a WMS. To further boost efficiency a WMS can integrate with other systems like ERP and TMS to create a seamless flow of information throughout the supply chain.

2. Warehouse Layout

Warehouse Design

Your warehouse’s overall efficiency is determined by its layout. A well designed warehouse layout ensures a smooth flow of goods from receiving to shipping, minimizes staff travel time and reduces bottlenecks. A few things to consider when designing your warehouse zones are the products you store, how often you pick and your business requirements.

Using Visual Layout Tools

Designing and optimizing your warehouse layout is made easier with tools like PULPO WMS’s Warehouse Wizard. Using these visual configuration tools you can plan the most efficient routes for picking, packing and shipping by creating a digital model of your warehouse floor.

You can try out different configurations to see which layout utilizes warehouse space best and reduces travel time.

Space Utilisation

Effective use of warehouse space is one of the key components of an efficient warehouse topography. You can increase your warehouse operations by storing high turnover items in easy-to-access locations and using vertical space with pallet racks. To maximize shelving and create narrow aisles without compromising accessibility think about increasing storage density.

Reducing Travel Time

One of the biggest inefficiencies in a warehouse is travel time. You can reduce the time it takes to complete tasks by placing items strategically and using technology to guide staff along the most efficient routes. This increases morale and reduces turnover by reducing staff fatigue and increasing productivity.

3. Storage Facility Management

Using KPIs

You need to develop your productivity Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to improve overall warehouse performance and profitability. KPIs that give you insight into your warehouse performance are labor productivity, inventory turnover and order fulfillment rates. By monitoring these you can identify areas for improvement and put plans in place to increase productivity.

Set up a Centralised Dashboard

For improving warehouse efficiency a centralized dashboard showing real time performance data can be game changing. Warehouse managers and staff can use this tool to visualize key metrics, identify areas for improvement and make data driven decisions. A dashboard ensures everyone in the warehouse is on the same page with efficiency targets and can react quickly to changing demands by giving a clear view of operations.


One area where efficiency can be improved is the receiving or inbound process. You can reduce delays and get inventory out for picking and shipping faster by tracking and optimizing the time it takes to receive and process incoming goods.

A WMS implementation can help to streamline the inbound process by automating data entry, assisting staff with the receiving process and giving real time updates on inventory status.


Put-away is the process of putting away goods in the best possible warehouse locations after they are received. A WMS can help speed up this process by directing staff to the right storage locations, increasing warehouse space utilization and reducing the time it takes for future picking tasks.

You can store items as efficiently as possible by streamlining the put-away process which will reduce the time and effort to retrieve them later.

Efficiency through Multi-Order Picking

You can also increase warehouse efficiency through multi-order picking. Staff picking for multiple orders at once reduces the number of trips they have to make around the warehouse which increases output and reduces labour costs. In high volume situations where accuracy and speed are key multi-order picking is particularly beneficial. A WMS can help with multi-order picking by optimizing picking lists and directing staff along the most efficient routes.

Shipping and Packing

When it comes to increasing warehouse efficiency the shipping and packing stages are often overlooked but they are part of the fulfillment process. You can get products out of the warehouse and to the customer faster by streamlining these stages.

Consider automating packing processes, streamlining packing areas and using technology to create shipping labels and track shipments.

4. Using Automation and Technology

Technology’s Role

Using technology in your warehouse operations can give you a big productivity boost. Technology makes operations faster and more accurate which increases warehouse productivity overall. Examples of these technologies are automated picking systems and advanced inventory tracking.

The right technology increases productivity and gives you the flexibility to adapt to the business demands.

Warehouse Management Software: The Foundation of Efficiency

A modern warehouse needs warehouse management software like PULPO WMS. It manages and streamlines orders, inventory and workflows so your warehouse runs as efficient as possible. You can increase overall efficiency and productivity by using real time data and analytics to make informed decisions.

Automation: The Next Efficiency Step

While setting up a WMS is the first step companies can increase efficiency even more by adding automation technologies. Conveyor belts, automated picking systems and warehouse robots can do the mundane tasks and free up human staff to do the more complex and valuable tasks.

Automation speeds up processes, reduces errors and frees up human labor constraints so your warehouse can run 24/7.

Latest Technologies

Consider adding the latest technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) to your warehouse operations along with basic automation. AI enables demand forecasting, decision making and inventory management. IoT devices enables proactive management and maintenance by providing real time data on environmental factors, inventory levels and equipment performance.

Robotics in the Warehouse

In modern warehouses warehouse robots are becoming more and more common. They can be used to reduce time and labor for tasks like picking, packing and moving goods. Businesses can reduce labour costs, increase accuracy and efficiency by deploying warehouse robots.

5. Employee Engagement and Training

Training Value

An efficient warehouse is built on its trained staff. Regular training ensures staff are up to date with the latest procedures, warehouse safety procedures, warehouse equipment and technology which enables them to operate more accurately and efficiently. Training also increases staff morale and retention and productivity.

Case Study: PULPO WMS for Berthie

California based Berthie is a great example of how the right technology and training can make an Ecommerce operation more efficient. Berthie was able to maintain high efficiency levels even with new and inexperienced warehouse staff after implementing PULPO WMS. Because PULPO WMS is so user friendly longer training sessions are not required which enabled Berthie to quickly expand across the US. This case study shows how important it is to choose a WMS that simplifies the training process while increasing efficiency.

Encouraging Staff to Perform Better

High efficiency also requires employee engagement. Employee involvement in decision making and encouraging them to provide feedback creates a collaborative environment where warehouse processes are always improved. Employee contributions should be recognized and rewarded to motivate your team to always give their best.

Implement Cross Training Programs

Cross training employees to manage different tasks in the warehouse increases operational flexibility. Employee flexibility reduces downtime and ensures the warehouse can adapt quickly to changing demands. Employees who are cross trained gain new skills and become more valuable to the business and have higher job satisfaction.

6. Audits and Ongoing Improvement

Continuous Improvement

Making your internal logistics more efficient is a continuous process not a one time achievement. To find inefficiencies and opportunities for improvement warehouse operations need to be reviewed and audited regularly. Businesses can keep their warehouse competitive and able to adapt to changing demands by creating a culture of continuous improvement.

Auditing Regularly

Audits provide a structured way to measure warehouse performance. You can identify waste, inefficiencies and bottlenecks by looking at key processes and metrics. This will enable you to make targeted improvements that will increase overall efficiency. Audits also reduce the risk of fines or downtime by ensuring compliance to industry standards and laws.

Feedback Loops

You must include warehouse staff feedback into your continuous improvement initiatives. Staff on the ground have insight into the day to day issues and inefficiencies that may not be obvious to management. Setting up feedback loops enables you to make informed changes that increase productivity and efficiency.

Setting Objectives and Standards

You must define clear objectives and standards for your warehouse operations to promote continuous improvement. These objectives must be time bound, relevant, measurable, achievable and specific (SMART). By measuring progress against these standards you can ensure your warehouse is always changing and getting better.

7. Measuring Warehouses

Key Performance Indicators

Watch key performance indicators like inventory turn, order fulfillment and labor productivity when measuring how efficient your internal logistics is. These metrics will give you a full picture of how your warehouse is performing and where it can be improved.


These metrics can be tracked by a central dashboard which is very effective. Everyone in the warehouse will be able to see efficiency data which will encourage accountability and transparency and ensure everyone is working towards the same efficiency targets.

Inventory Turn as a Key Metric

One way to measure how quickly inventory is moving through your warehouse is inventory turn. Low turn may be a sign of excess stock or supply chain inefficiencies, high turn is a sign of strong demand and good stock management.

Order Fulfillment Rate

Another key metric to measure warehouse efficiency is order fulfillment rate. It shows the percentage of orders that are completed correctly and on time. A well run warehouse with trained staff and processes is shown by a high order fulfillment rate. A low rate may indicate issues with shipping, inventory management or picking accuracy.

Labour Productivity Metrics

Metrics around labour productivity like the number of orders handled per hour or time spent on a task give you valuable insight into how your staff are managing their time. Look at these metrics to identify areas that need more training, process improvements or technology investment.

8. Inventory Management

Inventory Management's Role in Efficiency

A well run warehouse starts with good inventory management. Proper inventory control reduces delays and increases customer satisfaction by ensuring the right product is available when needed. Stockouts, excess inventory and higher carrying costs are the result of bad inventory management and can all reduce profitability.

Just-In-Time Inventory

By ordering inventory only as needed just-in-time (JIT) inventory management reduces storage space and costs. This ensures inventory is replenished exactly when needed, utilises space better and reduces storage costs. JIT inventory management also reduces the risk of holding excess stock which increases the risk of obsolescence and capital lock up.

Using Inventory Management Systems

Overstocking and stockouts are less likely with real-time inventory levels tracking provided by inventory management systems which are often part of a WMS. These systems help with accurate inventory data and better decision making and increased warehouse efficiency. You can track inventory movement, automate reordering, and generate reports on inventory performance by using advanced stock-level planning systems.

ABC Analysis for Inventory

Inventory can be categorised using the ABC analysis method according to its importance to the business. Categorise items into high value (A), medium value (B) and low value (C) and you will focus on the most important ones first. This saves time and resources on lower value items and ensures high value items are always in stock.

9. Safety and Sustainability

Safety Procedures and Protocols

Warehouse efficiency is based on safety. By having safety procedures in place and following them accidents are reduced and operations are uninterrupted and seamless. Employee morale is higher and turnover rates are lower in a safe warehouse because employees are more likely to stay with a company that puts their well being first.

Sustainability's Impact on Efficiency

Businesses are starting to put more emphasis on sustainability. Practicing sustainable practices – like reducing waste and energy – benefits the environment and long term efficiency and cost savings. Recycling initiatives for example can reduce waste disposal costs and climate control and energy efficient lighting can reduce utility costs.

Resilient Storage

Energy efficient shelving and storage containers made from recycled materials are examples of sustainable storage solutions that can be ways to improve efficiency. These practices make for a more profitable and sustainable warehouse operation by reducing operational costs and environmental impact.

Reduce Waste and Maximise Resources

Waste reduction has a direct impact on how improve your efficiency and is part of sustainability. Reduce waste and increase your warehouse efficiency by applying lean principles such as reducing excess inventory and maximizing packing materials. A circular economy approach which recycles and reuses materials to reduce waste and conserve resources should also be considered.

10. Building a Collaborative Culture

Teamwork and Efficiency

To maximise warehouse efficiency a collaborative working environment is essential. Staff are better able to identify inefficiencies and take action when they work together and share knowledge. Innovation is also encouraged by teamwork because when staff feel their opinions are valued they are more likely to come up with new ideas and solutions.

Cross Training for Flexibility

Providing staff with cross training to manage different tasks in the warehouse increases operational flexibility. Staff versatility reduces downtime and ensures the warehouse can adapt quickly to changing demands. Staff and warehouse manager who are cross trained gain new skills and become more valuable to the business and have higher job satisfaction.

Continuing Education

To maintain high warehouse efficiency ongoing learning and improvement is required. Your warehouse will stay competitive if you provide opportunities for ongoing training and encourage staff to stay up to date with industry best practices. Also encouraging a culture of lifelong learning keeps warehouse workers more motivated and engaged which increases output and reduces turnover.

Engaged staff is more likely to identify bottlenecks and find ways to improve warehouse operations.

Recognize and Reward

A collaborative culture requires recognizing and rewarding staff. Staff will take pride in their work and contribute to the warehouse’s success if they feel valued. Consider introducing recognition initiatives that highlight great work and reward warehouse employees for meeting productivity targets.


Warehouse improvement is a continuous process that requires employee engagement, technology adoption and strategic planning. By implementing these 10 proven strategies you can improve your warehouse operations and increase customer satisfaction, reduce costs and increase productivity.

PULPO WMS which provides tools to optimize your warehouse layout, streamline operations and enable staff to perform at their best is key to many of these strategies. A modern WMS can help you optimize your operations, reach new heights of productivity and set up your warehouse for long term success.